

2024-03-06T18:51:13.000-08:00March 06 2024, at 06:51 PM PST, Kim Hort said:

I’m out of town and will miss tonight’s 8pm game. Good luck!

2024-02-29T10:11:28.000-08:00February 29 2024, at 10:11 AM PST, aaron surma said:

i'm going to miss our game next week. good luck!

2024-02-13T17:30:57.000-08:00February 13 2024, at 05:30 PM PST, aaron surma said:

hey all, i have the ice this friday at 8pm. if you want to skate, sign up here - V3kT7MZDIrX8QQ8a42RsT5vL3CwM5L-UaE/edit?usp=shari ng

2024-02-07T09:03:57.000-08:00February 07 2024, at 09:03 AM PST, Kim Hort said:

C - Planes,
I'll be out of town and miss the game this Friday (2/9).
Jason H.

2024-01-08T09:48:07.000-08:00January 08 2024, at 09:48 AM PST, Nathan Teal said:

Hey sorry I missed last night. Forgot to mention I’m in Hawaii until the 16th, so also gone for next one.