

JAHA 2024 Board of Directors Election Results

Posted by JAHA Webmaster on May 13 2024 at 03:14PM PDT in Winter 2024

Hello JAHA,

Our election for the year has concluded and we have our results. The results of the election are as follows:

Vice President:
Michelle Morris – 80 votes
Eli Barsy – 4 votes
Sarah Lowell – 2 votes
Aaron Surma – 1 vote
Ben Collman – 1 vote

Adam Bryan – 89 votes

Ben Collman – 1 vote

Thomas McKenzie – 95 votes

Ben Collman – 1 vote

Member-at-Large B:
Aaron Surma – 46 votes

Sarah Lowell – 29 votes
Eli Barsy – 20 votes

A Tier Representative:
Zane Chapman – 88 votes

Ben Collman – 1 vote

B Tier Representative:
Amelia Hanrahan – 88 votes

Ben Collman – 1 vote

C Tier Representative:
Jon Dale – 84 votes

Karsun Newport – 2 votes
Ben Collman – 1 vote

D Tier Representative:
Nathan Ploof – 52 votes

Edward Rivera – 32 votes

Women’s Tier Representative:
Lauren Duehring – 90 votes

35+/40+ Tier Representative:
Chris Coutu – 84 votes

Ben Collman – 2 votes

With the winners for these positions, your 2024/2025 JAHA Board of Directors are as follows:

Andrew Dimond – President
Michelle Morriss – Vice President
Adam Bryan – Treasurer
Thomas McKenzie – Registrar
Ana Enge – Secretary
Michelle Drummond – Member-at-Large A
Aaron Surma – Member-at-Large B
Zane Chapman – Tier A Rep
Amelia Hanrahan – Tier B Rep
Jon Dale – Tier C Rep
Nathan Ploof – Tier D Rep
Lauren Duehring – Tier Women’s Rep
Chris Coutu – Tier 35/40 Rep

Thank you all for a great season and we look forward to seeing you next year!

-Andrew Dimond, JAHA President.


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